05.09.19 - 05.09.20

“Movements are Facts. Mainly, my work is about the body inventing out its own sources, its own training.For what purpose? To completely erase violence from the memory of the body, my own body, but also thesocial body we constitute collectively. The movements I create have a common denominator: no attack and no hierarchy among the movements. That’s why dance is political“. Cecilia Bengolea
In 2019 changes in ocean temperature transformed the Yucatan coastline into a mass of seaweed. This breaking down of the boundaries between land and sea, between life beneath the ocean and that above ground was the inspiration for a series of sculptures produced at the SFER IK ceramic workshop. Within the organic form of the exhibition space, Bengolea introduced sculptures whose form spoke to the primitive complexity of the kind of deep aquatic life found around the hydrothermal that are most likely the origins of all complex organisms. Growing as if out of the uneven floor, their oversize forms stood as upright reminder of the ecological disequilibrium that begins on land with the introduction of nitrates and other fertilizers that bleed via rivers into the Caribbean Sea before returning their dead waste to the seashore. By delving deeper into the oceans Bengolea also goes back in time to a strange and near mythological realm where light barely reaches but nature in all its creativity continues to adapt and evolve in ever new and more extraordinary forms.